Sunday, October 30, 2011

Thursday Courtyard Serenade

Sorry this is out of order....
This year's conference was held in the heart of downtown Phoenix at a Hilton hotel that has lots of space for conferences. When I arrived at the hotel on Thursday morning, there were also meetings for many other organizations. I realized that the hotel was full, but not because of Cursillo.

Michelin Tire was among the conferences...

I think they had some district sales meetings.

Thursday night, a sing-a-long was scheduled. I had been engaged and learning all day, and I was tired, but I went. I thought it might give me a boost after a busy day. The music was infectious! We sang in heartfelt praise and with joy!

Then I looked around and fully realized our environment.

We were singing in a courtyard surrounded by glass! We were exposed to everyone in the hotel. Guests could see us from the lobby, from their balcony, or from some of the conference rooms that were still in session. I wondered if we were too loud - distracting other conference-goers. Instead, I found out later that some came to us, still in their business suits, asking "can I join and sing"? The answer was of course "Yes"! That's the power of a Christian Community in Action changing the environment where they conference!  (I just wish everyone would stand up when they sing...)


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