Saturday, October 29, 2011

Servant Community

What is a servant community?  Is it the Secretariat?
Yes, and no!

It's common that Secretariat members are part of the Servant Community, but shouldn't be THE Servant Community.

A servant community should (in no particular order):

  1. Develop leaders
  2. Study
  3. Be a method for linking
With this you have a group of people who link the Diocese, to study how to strengthen the Movement, and in the process develop leaders.  The Servant Community sole purpose is NOT to put on Weekends.  (Remember:  4th day First)  Read booklet 7:  Servant Community.

The Servant Community studies their own movement and studies the Cursillo Library.  What is the Bishop's Pastoral Plan?    How does the Cursillo Community fit into the Plan?  Study the environment of the Cursillo community and the communities of the 4th day community.

Often a Servant Community will break up into sub-committees.  It's a good model, but not necessarily easy to maintain:

  • Pre-Cursillo:  How do we identify those who will benefit by attending a weekend?  How do we work to bring these leaders to a Weekend?  How do we find Cursillistas to serve on team?
  • The Weekend
  • The 4th Day:  How do we continue to support the community after the weekend (Group Reunion, Ultreya, DDU, and other Cursillo events).
  • Communication:  How to we keep in touch with the Cursillo community and promote fluid communication to the 4th Day community and back to those who lead (Servant Community, Secretariat).
As a governing board, the Secretariat is part of these sub-committees to guide and facilitate their efforts. With an active Servant Community, there is strength in numbers.  Remember that Jesus showed us the Way, but left the work to us; equipped and empowered by the Holy Spirit.


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