Saturday, October 29, 2011

The 4th Day First

In Spain, Cursillo started as a 4th day community.

Young Christian men got together to talk about how they would change the places they lived and worked day by day.

Three day weekends started later.

When Cursillo came to the U.S. through the Catholic Church, it started as a weekend.  And at times, we put the Weekend as the life-changing event.  But really, it's just a set of Christian "jumper cables", used to repurpose and refocus our hearts, minds, souls and bodies.  After we're jump-started, how do we keep going?

We strive for a disciplined and purposeful 4th day.

-Rule of Life:
When we commit to a Rule of Life - if we are not disciplined in our focus on God and His purpose we often stray.

-Weekly Reunion:
This regular meeting among friends to talk about the Rule of Life (Piety, Study, Action)  allows us to share our journey in this secular world while we try to be Holy.  Although we are smart, courageous, and filled with the Spirit, we can't do it alone.  Christ knows that we must work as a community to fulfill His purpose.

Ever tried to grill a steak with with just one charcoal briquet?  Regular Ultreya's serve to recharge our batteries, or using the BBQ metaphor, we glow more brightly after Ultreya.  Why?  We share with the larger Christian community.  We hear how others meet the challenges of our daily life.  By just showing up, we encourage each other to keep going forward - Ultreya!

-Spiritual Direction:
Having a objective coach to help guide your Piety, Study, and Action is a great way to help us hit the Home Run in our spiritual lives as we work to change our lives and environments.

Our 4th day is there to help us make a friend, be a friend and bring a friend to Christ (not bring a friend to Cursillo).  The Weekend is just a tool in God's toolbox to bring the world to His purpose, not an end unto itself.


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