Saturday, October 29, 2011

Group Reunion

Group Reunion is why Cursillo exists! (see 4th Day First)

Ted Ederer thinks of it like the blanket of "Peanuts" character Linus.  It provides us with insurance that what we learned at the Weekend is not lost.

It is a small group of friends meeting with Jesus (on a regular basis) to share, pray, and review for their life of Grace.

Group Reunion helps us:

  • With our Rule of Life (Piety, Study, Action)
  • To help us become the Church in the world.
  • To strengthen us in our commitment of evangelism in the home, workplace, and the world.
  • To share our Christian life.
Jesus had a group reunion (Peter, James, and John).

Different types of Group Reunions:
  • Close friends
  • Floating - as at Ultreya's
  • Environmental - to transform those particular environments.  It could be a clergy search committee, an outreach ministry.  You don't necessarily need to use the Group Reunion card, just review lives in the context of Piety, Study and Action.
  • Leaders - Cursillo Leaders focusing on the Movement
  • ANYONE can be part of a reunion group!  
  • One does not have to be a Cursillista to be part of a group.  
  • Further, one does not have to be a member of a Church, or even an acknowledged Christian.  If we are gathering in His name, He will be with us.

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